Natural Hood Flame 10 design element is the largest, high resolution images available! Industry leading digital imaging from Aurora Graphics offers more than beauty and functionality these images are created in a very large format with perfection in mind. Take your designing to new heights and output exceptional quality -even at grand format scale. Download the print sample to see a full scale, cropped 5″ X 25″ image to see both print quality and image color. **NOTE: Some Aurora Graphic Design Elements are transparent .tiff format for the ultimate in color control, usability, and quality. Be SURE your design software will support transparent .tiff before using these design elements. Adobe Photoshop and Corel Draw both support this format; others may not.
Image Size : 91″ x 84″
Image Resolution : 72 dpi
Image Format : Transparent .tiff
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Keywords : Fire, flames, flaming, inferno, fireman, fire dept, fire department,