Ultra Pack 4


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Ultra Pack 4 – Partial Wrap, Hood & Tail & Design Elements Bundle

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Ultra Pack 4 contains Many of Aurora Graphics collection of Partial Wraps**, Hood & Tail Collection, Design Elements and associated posters. 1,066 files in total, Ultra Pack 4 is a great value for those interested in doing partial wraps. Superior design, workmanship and finish insure highest marks on the finished job. Beautiful flowing lines, colors that pop and customer approval will insure success time after time with this collection. There is everything from mild to wild and in-between.

Proofs are now easy and quick pulling from your personal gallery of artwork second to none in the entire world. Cut contours make production fast and easy. How many partial wraps can you design for .90 cents each worth of your time? Push away from the design time on your computer and focus on selling ready to go art that only requires printing and installation. Downloading means no freight, no duties or taxes and quick receipt. Increase your productive time per day with the Ultra Packs and build your business at a renewed pace.  **Partial Wraps include all non-vector print files, along with a cutcontour for cutting the finished print.

Ultra Packs are a new way to buy and download Aurora Graphics Digital Art in specific categories that cover entire subjects.


Included Images (multiple color combos per each):

Abstract 10, Abyss, Adrenalin Rush, AfterBurner, Aftermath, Airplane Exhaust Element, Alien Armor, American 1, Angel Wings, Arching Light, Armor, Atomizer, Avalon, Baja, Bank Vault Door, Barbed Wire Fence, Beams, Blades, Blue Scroll, Body Armor, Body Armor 2, Boost, Burnout, Burnout 2, Car Caricature, Carpenter’s Pencil, Chameleon Splash, Charcoal Bricks, Childrens Blocks, Chinook, Chrome Scoops Large, Chrome Tribal Eagle, Chrome Whips, Cube Slide, Cube Slide 2, Cube Slide 3, Croozer, Crysis, Cyber Dragon, Cyber Dragon 2, Defender, Diamond Sweep, Diamonds, Diamonds & Gemstones, Diamonds in Baggie, Disco Ball, Dragon Tribal, Drawn Curtain, Dream Catcher, Drone, Dynamite, Edge, Eerie Smoke, Electric Guitar, Electron, Exhaust Pipes, Exhaust Pipes 2, Expansion, Fanned Wrenches, Fasteners, Feather, Ferrari, Fighter Teeth Element, Finish Line Partial, Flex Tube, Flying Bills, Flux, Fracture Partial, Gears 2, Genesis, Ghost in the Machine Partial, Ghost Rider 2, Glass Sphere, Glowing Whips, Gold Coins, Grate, Ground Zero, Gun Metal, Hades, Half Jacket, Hardware Pack 1, Hardware Pack 2, Hardware Pack 3, Hardware Pack 4, Hardware Pack 5, Havoc, Hexa, Hinder, Hornet, Hose, HotRod, Hurricaine, Hypnotize, Impact X, Ink Swirl, Inverted, Jagged, Jet, Jet 3, Jet 4, Jet 5, Jet Components, Jitters, Lace Flames, Lady Luck, Lancer Hood, Lightwave, Lightning, Lightning 2, Lightning 3, Lightning 4, Lightning 5, Liquid Mercury, Loaded, Lotus, Low Rider, Mantis, Mask, Metal Debris, Metal Man, Metallic Sphere, Metallik Hood, Microphone, Molten Chunks, Money Stack in the Wind, Optimus, Orb 1, Orbital, Ornamental Bull Skull, Ornamental Feathers, Oval Scoop, Oval Scoop Fire, Oxide, Padlock, Pezosphere, Phantom, Picket Fence, Picket Fence Lawn, Pinstripe Pack, Pipes, Pistons, Pitchers Pouring Water, Plasma Burst, Playing Cards 1, Pot O Gold, Predator, Prototype, Ratchet, Raining Diamonds, Razor II, Ribbon & Bow, Rival, Robotron, Rotational Block, Rubicon, Sable, Sabre, Sabre II, Safe Lock, Safe Lock Angled, Scorch, Scratch Pack, Scythe, Shark Hood & Tail, Shatter, Shattered Sphere, Shooting Stars, Shok, Shread 1, Shread 2, Shread 3, Shread 4, Shread 5, Side Winder, SideSwiped, Skeleton Key, Skeleton Key Angled, Smoke Ring, Sound Waves, Spartan Pack, Spinal Cord Top, Spinning Wrenches Close, Spiral Graph, Springs, Sport Half Wrap, Square Scoop, Star Wars Beige, SteamPunk Flourish, Steampunk Flourish 2, Steampunk Gears, Sting Ray, Straight Chrome Razorwire, Straight Jacket, Streamline, Subtle Flow, Subwoofers, Sun & Moon, Sunglasses Sun, Surge, Switch Blade, SX9 Jet, Sword, Synergy, Tangled Lead, Tentacle Ball, Tileable Chain Pack, Tribal Skull Stripe, Tribal Spear, Tribal Spine, Tri Sweeps, Twist, Twisted Metal, Twisting Wrenches, V Twin 1, V Twin 2, Vandal, Vented, Ventilated, Vigilante, V Twin 1, V Twin 2, Warp Metal 1, Warped Metal 2, Warped Metal 3, Warped Metal 4, Warped Metal 5, Warrant, Wavy Chrome Barbed Wire, Wicked, Wings, Woven Strands, Wrought Iron Fence, Xyience, agup4

Included Posters:

Armor Poster, Atomizer Poster, Burnout 2 Poster, Finishline Partial Poster, Hinder Poster, Hood and Tail Poster 1, Jet Poster, Metal Man Poster, Mantis Poster, Metal Man Poster, Robotron Poster, Sabre II Poster, Streamline Poster, Twist Poster, Ventilated Poster, WHV1 Poster 1, WHV1 Poster 2, WHV1 Poster 3, ultrapack


Ultra Pack 4 Image Count